Friday, May 7, 2010

Week 2

Hi! Here is week 2 of the build. This week we are only working today (Friday) We got a lot done again thanks to all the volunteers that showed up. Thought I'd start off by showing you a little bit more of the yard.This is a little shaded area between our house and the neighbors. In the back you can just make out an old apple tree and to the right of it some sort of flowering bush that is very over grown. We may end up taking that out and planting something new there eventually. Just beyond the apple tree is the dirt area I showed last week that will eventually have grass planted there.

Here we are getting the end wall ready to go.

Here is the wall up. This is the back wall with the 2 bedroom windows. The plywood did get put on not too long after this went up.

Here is the front of the house with the walls up. All these smaller walls went together a lot faster than the bigger ones last week. We also new more of what we needed to do! The bumped out part is the dining area. Then you can see where the door will be and the living room window.

Here is the interior wall going the length of the house. Now I know where all the doors are and have an idea of how big the rooms will be. We also know where the stairs will be going. Gary stopped by on his lunch from work to see what was going on.

Oh, I also meant to thank Shirley for the cookies!! Everyone loved them.
I hope you will stop by again next week to see what we have gotten done on the house. Bye for now.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

You will be totally amazed at how fast things will go! :) I LOVE watching houses go up.... the hole in the ground looks small, then the foundation look HUGE and when it is capped again, the small feel, then the walls make it all feel so real! It is amazing how visual perception plays with the mind! LOL HAVE FUN IN THIS WHOLE PROCESS! I know you must be excited beyond words!