Thursday, July 25, 2013

Summer Happenings

Well, between the heat, the rain, work and everything going on in the family, not a lot has been done outside at the house. Yesterday was nice and I managed to get the lawn mowed. Brought Ginger outside for a little grasshopper hunting. She had fun and didn't want to go back inside. 

She also managed to chase a few of these butterflies.

Here's the view out our living room window. We have some bird feeders up, including a couple hummingbird feeders. This was the best photo I was able to get.

Dale made Gary a squirrel feeder. We have also found that the blue jays like to eat from it. The lighting was horrible for this picture but you get the idea.

We managed to get a few things planted in the raised beds. We now have three 4'x4' raised beds. It provides enough for us. Or it they would if the plants were just given enough sun to do anything. We had so much rain that I didn't get somethings planted that I wanted to. It seemed like every day off I had, it rained. 

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